Maximize Growth

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In this course you will learn techniques and tips to help you grow your hair longer and faster.  Most people do not reach their hair goals because of breakage, not because of their growth rate.  If your hair is breaking and you have not addressed the issue already please begin with Minimize Breakage and return to this section later. If breakage is not an issue or you have developed a plan to address your breakage move on to the information below.  The seriheadshot2 length shotes of articles and videos are designed to help maximize your hair growth.

1) Work through each of the articles and bookmark those most relevant to you

2) Review the product recommendations

3)Keep it simple, only adjust one or 2 things in your hair routine at a time so you can know what is and isn’t working

4) Join my email list HERE to get your free copy of my eguide How I Grew My Hair to Waist Length


Introduction & The Basics

Tips & Techniques to Maximize Growth

Product Recommendations

Vitamins: GNC UltraNourish Hair, ALIVE Protein Shake, LCysteine, MSM

Growth Aids: Gro Aut Hair Growth Oil, Claudies Sulfur Elixir

Oils and Herbs:Henna, Shikakai, Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Shea Butter, Avocado Butter

Books: Grow It By Chicoro

For general recommendations of shampoo, conditioner etc… see here



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