MsLala’s Daily Natural Hair Styles

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One of the most frequently asked questions I get is about my daily natural hair styles:

If you wash your hair every 2 weeks how are you styling it?

I’ve answered the question several times but thought it best to finally just show you all.  So now I’ve recorded my hair styles for a 2 week rotation.  I’m going to do it again in the near future to give you all a feel for what I do on a daily basis to style my natural hair.  Honestly I do not do alot of fancy styling.  I have been doing my own hair since I was a kid and if I take my time I can do some pretty nice styles but most of the time I just keep it simple during the week with updos and wear my hair loose on the weekend.

Here are some key things about my regimen

1) I usually only wash my hair every 2 weeks.  If my hair feels like it needs to be washed sooner than I do, there are no hard and fast rules.

2) I only detangle my hair on wash days.  I try to do styles in between that time that I can finger comb through or not comb at all.

3) I do not put alot of gunk on my scalp.  I think this is one reason why I am able to go 2 weeks without washing and not have issues.  However remember everyone’s scalp is different.  Do not walk around with stinky hair just because I suggested that washing every 2 weeks works for me.  Do what is best for your hair and lifestyle.

4) Sometime I choose to wear my hair loose during the week now that I am just maintaining length but in these vids I purposely show you all how I maintain w/updo’s since that is what I did to grow my hair out.  I honestly prefer protective styling during the week though because it is easier.
View the videos below to see how I wear my natural hair on the daily


See more Natural Hair Styles

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